Woodland Animal Hospital

600 Eastland Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65101



Preventative Maintenance


Yearly Wellness Exam: 

At Woodland Animal Hospital, we feel that yearly wellness exams are the cornerstone of your pets' preventative care. Your pet will receive a thorough physical examination, and we will discuss how he or she has done over the past year.

For our senior pets, we recommend annual bloodwork as a tool for early screening for a variety of diseases. This may include a chemistry panel, complete blood count and/or a thyroid panel. All routine bloodwork is done in-house in about 30 minutes, so you'll have the results before you leave your appointment.

Exam Room


We believe that every dog and cat has individual health care needs, which is why we tailor their yearly vaccinations to best suit their individual needs. Vaccinations boost your pets immunity to help prevent many diseases, including distemper virus, parvo virus, adenovirus (hepatitis), parainfluenza, Leptosporosis, Bordetella (Kennel Cough), and rabies in dogs; and upper respiratory diseases, feline leukemia and rabies in cats. We only use cat-specific vaccines with our feline patients.

Internal/Intestinal Parasites: 

Yearly fecal floats are recommended, particularly for our younger patients, to screen for any intestinal parasites. More common parasites include roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and coccidia. Some of these can affect people as well. Dogs in our area of the country are at high-risk for contracting heartworm disease, which is spread by mosquitoes. Yearly heartworm testing and year-round monthly heartworm preventative is highly recommended for all of our canine patients. Several heartworm preventative options are available; please let us help you find the best product for your pet's needs.


Heartworm testing:  

Both dogs and cats are susceptible to heartworm disease, though they are more commonly diagnosed in dogs.  Heartworms are spread via mosquitoes.  In Missouri, pets are at risk of contracting this parasite year round.  Heartworm disease can be deadly if left untreated!  We recommend heartworm preventative for both dogs and cats, as well as yearly heartworm testing for dogs.

  Parasite ID Chart

External Parasites: 

At your pets' wellness exam they will be evaluated for external parasites, particularly fleas and ticks which are uncomfortable and can transmit disease.  We carry several options for the treatment and prevention of  fleas and ticks, and would be happy to help you find the best product for your pet.



A microchip is a small metal pellet placed just under the skin by the shoulders. It contains a unique code that when read by a scanning device that can help return a lost pet home. The needle that is used to insert the microchip is a large bore needle so it is recommended that they are under anesthesia whenever administering the microchip, such as during a spay or neuter. However, we are able to locally block the area and administer the microchip without anesthesia.