Awareness Months
Are you aware???

In the Heat of Summer:
With the summer days becoming increasingly warmer, remember to keep your pets safe in the heat.
Always remember to NEVER leave your animal in a car. The temperatures in the vehicle can rise very quickly and can become deadly to your dog in a matter of minutes.
Use caution when walking your dogs outside. Dogs can become overheated while walking on the hot pavement. The hot pavement can even burn their paw pads. Carrying along a water bottle and collapsible bowl can help ensure that your dog stays hydrated. Some parks, Memorial park for example, have doggie water spouts on some of the fountains that can be helpful. Make sure to keep walks short on these hot summer days and try to walk during cooler hours like early morning or later in the evening.
Some animals are more susceptible to heat than others. Pugs and Bulldogs, for example, pant less effectively and can become overheated faster. Other risk factors include obesity, older age, heart disease, and conformation.
Signs of overheating:
- Difficulty breathing
- Increased heart rate
- Increased respiratory rate
- Drooling
- Weakness
- Disorientation
- Collapse
Owners can take their dog’s temperature at home via rectal thermometer (dedicate a thermometer just for your dog)! Normal temperature for a dog is 101.5 F with a range of 99.5-102.5 F. A temperature of 104 degrees or above requires immediate veterinary attention.
***If you have any concerns, please contact Woodland Animal Hospital for further information 1-573-636-8322***

February: Dental Health Month
Malodorous breath, loss of gum tissue, and loose teeth are a direct result of plaque and tartar buildup. Infectious oral diseases affecting the gums and root canals create systemic bacteremia (bacteria in the blood stream, which can infect other parts of the body). Dental disease, if left untreated, can also lead to other serious health complications including infections in the heart, kidney disease, liver disease, nasal infections, osteomyelitis (bone infection),increased risk of oral cancer, and jaw fracture from loss of bone. Oral diseases are known as “the silent killer.”
If you have noticed tartar build up, a foul odor, or your pet having trouble eating, schedule a dental with us today! We also offer a special during the month of February!

Meet Cali!
Our resident diabetic Pitbull! Some of you may recognize her from our clinic. Cali came to us in desperate need of attention. She belonged to a single father who was at a loss as to why his dog kept losing weight despite being well fed. Dr. Groner examined her and performed a urinalysis and blood tests. she was quickly able to uncover Cali’s untreated diabetic condition resulting in Ketoacidosis. Her owner was unable to afford treatment for miss Cali and our office manager, April, fell in love and adopted her. She gained weight every day as Dr. Groner monitored her condition and adjusted her insulin to control her glucose levels. As of January 2016, she had increased her weight from 40 lbs to 60 lbs! Today, November 2023, Cali is still living with the love and care of April and her family!
If you find your dog or cat drinking and peeing excessively or loosing weight despite being fed make sure to bring them in to be checked over by a veterinarian. There are many treatable conditions such as diabetes that we can help you with.